Wednesday 16 April 2014

Manga Studio Colouring Test and all round praise for the program!

Hi All!

It's been absolutely ages since I last updated, work, PS4 and various other distractions have kept me from being able to do much in the way of drawing.
I have been drawing quite a bit when I've had the time, most often in the mornings with a coffee, but it's mostly been gesture sketching and that doesn't make for the most interesting posts.
Writing and plot development on the other hand has been going strong, as that can be done whilst travelling. I tried doing some sketching on the train the other day but the momentum doesn't make for a very enjoyable experience.
This morning though I decided after watching some videos by Comic book artist, Youtube regular and Mangastudio tutorial creator Jonathan Rector to give the program more of a chance than I have in the past. And I have to say I am very glad I did!
It's inking capabilities are excellent, I have used Artrage in the past but am finding Mangastudio just a little better.
The colouring was what I thought I'd give a go today and although Photoshop still feels better to use, with more tools and options at your disposal,  I'm wondering if it's just the amount of experience there that is causing that.
The pencilling and inking in Mangastudio definitely is the best I've tried in any program so far, with the response time and feel of the tools nicely mimicking real life (I wish I had a Cintiq!) and if I can get used to the colouring side of it then I'll be a fully fledged convert.

Hopefully I'll be posting more often again, so until then have a good day whatever you may be up to!